You can't ban abortion: you have banned safe abortion

The US Supreme Court has overturned landmark ruling Roe v. Wade, eliminating the constitutional right to abortion. We must remember that abortion bans exclusively end up endangering women’s lives. Abortion will always exists as a medical practice and as an individual choice: what the Supreme Court did today is to rule out safe procedures. (Il ricavato verrà devoluto a Planned Parenthood) Leggi tutto...
You can't ban abortion: you have banned safe abortion

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You can't ban abortion: you have banned safe abortion

The US Supreme Court has overturned landmark ruling Roe v. Wade, eliminating the constitutional right to abortion. We must remember that abortion bans exclusively end up endangering women’s lives. Abortion will always exists as a medical practice and as an individual choice: what the Supreme Court did today is to rule out safe procedures. (Il ricavato verrà devoluto a Planned Parenthood) Leggi tutto...


Libera di Abortire ha deciso di raccogliere fondi da devolvere completamente alla federazione nazionale di Planned Parenthood negli Stati Uniti e alle rispettive cliniche statali per sostenere i professionisti e le professioniste che continueranno a garantire l'accesso all'aborto in America. 

Argomenti: Diritti umani

Altri prodotti

Altre campagne nel negozio di Radicali Italiani

Io non sono Giorgia

Altri prodotti:

Uomo a (cm) b (cm) c (cm)
S 49 69 20,5
M 52 72 21,5
L 55 74 22,5
XL 58 76 22,5
XXL 61 78 23,5

Donna a (cm) b (cm) c (cm)
S 44.5 64 16
M 47,5 66 17
L 50.5 68 17
XL 53,5 69 18

a (cm) b (cm) c (cm)
3-4 y 33 45 11,5
5-6 y 35 49 12,5
7-8 y 37 53 13,5
9-11 y 40 57 14,5
12-14 y 43 61 15,5

Bambina a (cm) b (cm) c (cm)
3-4 y 30,5 42 9
5-6 y 32,5 46 10
7-8 y 34,5 50 11
9-11 y 37,5 54 12
12-14 y 40,5 58 13

Canotta uomo a (cm) b (cm)
S 45 69,5
M 48 71,5
L 51 73,5
XL 54 75,5

Canotta donna a (cm) b (cm)
S 39 64
M 42 66
L 45 68
XL 48 69

Uomo a (cm) b (cm) c (cm)
S 49,5 69,5 78
M 52,5 71,5 79,5
L 55,5 73,5 81
XL 58,5 75,5 82,5

a (cm) b (cm) c (cm)
S 50,5 69,5 76,5
M 53 71,5 78
L 56 73,5 79,5
XL 59 75,5 81

Donna a (cm) b (cm) c (cm)
S 48 64 71
M 51 66 72,5
L 54 68 73,5
XL 57 69 75

a (cm) b (cm) c (cm)
S 49 64 71,5
M 52 66 73
L 55 68 74,25
XL 58 69 75,5

Unisex a (cm) b (cm) c (cm)
S 50,5 70 79
M 53 72 80,5
L 56 74 82
XL 59 76 83,5

a (cm) b (cm) c (cm)
S 51,5 68 75
M 54 72 79
L 57 74 80,5
XL 60 76 82


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